~Virtus et Veritas~
St. Peter’s College, a recognized hallmark of education was established on 18 January 1922 by Rev. Fr. Maurice Le Goc. With the dawn of 2021, St. Peter’s College is only 12 months away from celebrating its centenary. Guided by many visionary Rectors for nearly ten decades, St. Peter’s College has braved many a storm and risen to be one of the leading Educational Institutions in Sri Lanka. Catering to the demands of present generation, St. Peter’s is now known among educationists as an excellent seat of learning.

On the appointed day, 18th of January 1922, precisely at 2.00 o’clock in the afternoon, boys, masters and priests waving the college colours wended their way to the Maradana Railway Station to board a special train to Wellawatte where they were to detrain and walk to the new school beside the Wellawatte canal. The Railways Department obliged a request to halt the train opposite Ridgeway Place (ahead of the Wellawatte station proper), just to discharge the travelers going on this special mission, a ceremony to open a brand new school.