St. Peter’s College – Scouts
The 40th Colombo, St. Peter’s College Troop has been in the forefront in developing young minds to act independently, through the scout promise of doing one’s duty towards his religion and country, to always help other people by being Trustworthy, Loyal, Considerate, Brother to One Another, Courages, Kid, Cooperative, Cheerful, Thrifty and Clean in Thought, Word and Deed.
The Scout Troop at St. Peter’s College though small in numbers is a great in commitment and dedication at all National & College events where their duty is expected. It consists of boys from Grade 6 to 13, from all religions. Their multilingual and ethnic differences help to relate and understand each other in utmost perfect co-existent harmony and brotherhood.
The College Scout Troop has its Annual Districts Agenda and in additional to it, the Scout Masters and Senior Scouts take part in all Rock Council Meetings held every month at the District Scout Headquarters.
Scouting is held every Saturday in the College premises, a day of learning, exploring, pioneering all part of a scout’s life. The day is presided over by the Scout Masters who train the boys in the ways of scouting. It should be mentioned that every member shows great enthusiasm in simply being friends and living the scout life.
The Scouts lend their support, services and duty in the Joe-Pete Cricket, Soccer & Rugby Encounters, whenever St. Peter’s College play Host, Annual Sports Meet, Annual Prize Giving, College Day, Rectors Day and Special Assemblies making them the only All-Round-Extra-Curricular activity legion in College among other Co-curricular activity based clubs and associations.
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