It is with great concern that St. Peter’s College, Colombo 04 wishes to address the unfounded media reports that St. Peter’s College fielded an ineligible player for the Schools’ Rugby Tournament 2022.
Circular number 18/2021 dated 28th September 2021 issued by the Ministry of Education permits and makes the student concerned eligible to follow the Advanced Level Classes.
This was conveyed to the Sri Lanka Schools Rugby Football Association (SLSRFA) on the 9th August 2022 in response to a complaint brought to the notice of the School by the SLSRFA. Regrettably the College has not been given a due hearing, nor has any decision been conveyed to the College with reasons if the SLSRFA held a contrary view.
Surprisingly only by an email communicated on the 26th August 2022, a day prior to the Under 19 President’s Trophy Knock Out Rugby Tournament 2022, an alleged determination was conveyed imposing penalties on St. Peter’s College with no reasons provided.
St. Peter’s College which has been committed to the game of Rugby for 90 years with an unblemished disciplinary record is advising itself of its immediate and future course of action.
This communique is to clear any misgivings brought out by media communications regarding the conduct of St. Peter’s College.