St. Peter’s College Colombo 04 celebrated their 100 year milestone on the 18th of January 2022. His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith graced this historic event as Chief Guest where the College Administration, Students and Old Boys came together to celebrate this milestone as one Family.
Speech by the Rector of St. Peter’s College, Rev. Fr. Rohitha Rodrigo

Your Eminence Malcom Cardinal Ranjith, me Lord Bishops, General Manager of Catholic Schools, past Rectors of this hallowed institution, Rev. Fr. Ranjith Andradi Rector St. Joseph’s College, Rev. Fr. Vice Rector of St. Peter’s College, Rectors and Principals, Rev. Fathers, Rev, Sisters, President of the OBU Mr. Ravika de Silva, Vice Patrons, Past Presidents, Batch Presidents, distinguished guests, members of the academic and non-academic staff and my dear students.
Hundred years is a milestone that anyone would love to celebrate. But today as the Peterite family we gathered here not only to celebrate 100 years but more to thank God for His wonderful gift of St. Peter’s College. Thousands of students who have gone through the formation are ever so grateful for what they received from their Alma Mater. We are sure that Jesus’ promise to St. Peter to build His church on solid foundation is and will always be a success here at St. Peter’s College too.
It all started When Fr. Maurice Le Goc planted the tiniest seed 100 years ago on 18th January 1922 under the guidance and blessings of then Archbishop Most Rev. Dr. Anthony Coudert not even in their wildest dreams thought that it would become arguably the biggest shrub of them all. However God works in His own way and continue to marvel us. You don’t need any other proofs and this College that we love and are passionate about is itself a miracle if you believe in miracles. Thank you Lord for this beautiful gift of St. Peter’s College.
Your Eminence, as the proprietor and the Chief Shepherd your presence this morning for the Holy Eucharist and for the assembly is a great encouragement, honour and a blessing for all of us. You are faced with challenges beyond measure as you cry for justice for the innocent lives claimed by the Easter attack. Still you were gracious enough to accept our invitation to be with us today. On a more personal note I apologise for not being able to visit you personally to handover the invitation as I was in hospital. But you were very humble when I spoke to you to encourage me to go ahead with the celebrations. Thank you your Eminence for the trust you placed on me when you handed over St. Peter’s College and I assure you with God’s grace I will do my best to the flock that you have entrusted to me.
Me Lord bishops we are so pleased to have your gracious presence this morning. Both of you me Lord bishops had been part of our College and we are glad that you are here today to celebrate with us. I am also happy that General Manager of Catholic Schools Rev. Fr. Gamunu Dias is with us. Your generosity in supporting College is always appreciated.
Sailing the ship of St. Peter’s College for hundred long years is no easy task. Through storms and struggles, rough seas at times and calm weather another time, trials and tribulations have been part of our history. Yet St. Peter’s College has been guided by the abled hands of our dear Past Rectors. Some are with the Lord and I wish them happiness in the Lord. The others who are here Fr. Mardiwela, Fr Filician Ranjith, Fr. Travis Gabriel and Fr. Trevor Martin. All what you see when you walk around the school is your vision and hard labour. I am not referring to buildings alone but more to thousands of sheep whom you guided and molded for the future. I too had the privilege of learning under all these Rectors. I was a student during Fr. Joe Wickramasinghe’s time. Thank you for all the inspiration and your continuing support to me and to St. Peter’s you love so much.
I also remember with love all the other Priests and religious for their unstinted support and dedication for St. Peter’s. Teachers have been legends here at St. Peter’s. They love their children and many old Boys remember how caring their teachers especially those who walked the extra mile in their lives. Even today I sincerely thank you for extending your generosity to look after these young lives and to guide them to be responsible citizens. Although not enough recognition is given contributions of the non-academic staff are enormous. You toil so much to make sure day today activities are carried out without any hindrance. Some of you have been here for ages. Office staff and support staff you are remembered with gratitude for your silent contributions.
My dear students I call you a privileged set of students who have got the opportunity to be a part of the Peterite family when thousands of other children who wanted yet never got the opportunity. This family is special as this environment treats everyone of you as special and feel homely as you enter the college premises. Yes this is your college and make sure the reputation and the fragrance of the college spread far and wide. My dear old Boys you have kept the blue, white and gold flag unfurled. As your Eminence reminds always you are called to be saints whatever the sphere you are. Purpose of Catholic schools is to build the kingdom of God amongst us. Thank you for all the contributions you have made to make St. Peter’s great.
Few individuals I would like to thank, Mr. Themiya de Mel and Mr. Tim Andradi who have been very generous in supporting College not for a couple of years but for many. Even for these celebrations Mr. Themiya came forward to share the burden financially. Mr. Tim has volunteered to sponsor the Staff event at Hilton. Gentlemen I thank you in a very special way for being there for St. Peter’s. Then a special thank you to Dubai OBU for their contributions to renovate the college archives. Thank you Mr. Ashan Edith Constructions, Mr. Prasad for taking special effort to make this day a memorable one for all of us. Finally I like to thank my Priest fraternity for being responsible and especially when I was away in hospital. All communications were done over the phone. Thank you Dear Fr. Vice Rector and all the other Fathers for taking the initiative in guiding the Staff in their respective duties. Head Prefect Master. Uvindu will thank all in his vote of thanks.
Just want to say finally thank you for being with us to share the joy of our celebrations. Hope you will treasure and cherish the beautiful memories.
Let’s together keep blue, white and gold flag unfurled.
God bless you all.
Rev. Fr. Rohitha Rodrigo

Address by the Chief Guest, His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith
The Archdiocese of Colombo has contributed much to the development of this school, especially through the allocation of its priests to serve both in the teaching staff as well as in the administration. St Peter’s College is an institution that has produced Bishops and Priests and many eminent lay citizens for Sri Lanka including doctors, lawyers, engineers, prominent sports personalities and those who have excelled in the fields of culture and literature. Sri Lankan society has been enriched by the contributions these great men have made to the life of the nation.
As the Patron Saint of the College, St Peter, who is the first disciple of our beloved Lord and Master Jesus Christ, has aspired to make this institution become not only something that moulds intellectuals and achievers in the economic and socio political fields, but also men of character, uprightness and spiritual excellence. What is important for an institution of this nature, is not so much the success it would achieve in the academic and extra-curricular fields, but the formation of men who are able to exercise leadership and achieve spiritual and moral excellence in society. St Peter’s College, as a premier Catholic education institution should therefore become the seedbed for the nurturing of nothing less than saints for our society.
Wishing the College God’s abundant blessings and much success in this venture.
Ad Multos Annos!
His Eminence Most Rev. Dr. Malcolm Cardinal Ranjith
Archbishop of Colombo

Message from the General Manager of Catholic Schools
It is with great pleasure that I send this message on the occasion of the Centenary Celebrations of St. Peter’s College Colombo 04. Hundred years is certainly a great event that calls for a celebration full of joy and thanksgiving to God Almighty.
It’s also right that we remember with gratitude all those who have contributed selflessly towards its progress. My wishes and blessings to the Rector, Rev. Fr. Rohitha Rodrigo and the entire Peterite Family on this happy day. St. Peter’s College, Colombo 04, is a popular school in Sri Lanka.
It is much sought after by parents who desire an all-round education for their children. A school where young lives are taught to be responsible citizens. A learning ground not only for classroom studies but also for lessons for life.
May St. Peter’s College, Colombo 04, continue to grow from strength to strength in the years ahead as a leading Catholic Institution of Learning under the care of dear St.Peter.
Rev. Fr. Gamunu Dias
2022 Staff of St. Peter’s College

Video Telecast
Opening of the St. Peter’s College Archives
St. Peter’s College archives was opened on the 18th of January 2022 by Rev. Fr. Rohitha Rodrigo, Rector of St. Peter’s College. We at College are grateful to the St. Peter’s College Old Boys Union United Arab Emirates Branch for their generous sponsorship in building the Archives of College.